Do you leave an hour before you brush after a eating? Here's why you should. Most of us brush our teeth more than the daily recommended amount, dentists warn. And it’s doing our teeth more harm than good. Brushing within half an hour of eating a meal or drinking a cup of coffee could ensure your teeth suffer worse damage. After drinking fizzy or acidic drinks, the acid burns into the enamel of your teeth – and the layer below the enamel, called "dentin". Brushing at the "wrong" time – particularly within 20 minutes of finishing a meal – can drive the acid deeper into your teeth, corroding them far faster than they would have rotted by themselves. "However, after intra-oral periods of 30 and 60 min, wear was not significantly higher than in unbrushed controls," say the researchers. "It is concluded that for protection of dentin surfaces at least 30 min should elapse before toothbrushing after an erosive attack."I've heard this before but I was not really aware what it's all about. I suppose, you brush your teeth whenever you can and you don't have to wait for 30 minutes lapse. But if you have time to spare, better fix that flat panel TV stands and then brush peggies. source: