.. than Mcj most of the times? So here's the reason why according to bodyandsoul.com.au.
According to many researchers, women feel the cold more than males, but their bodies are better at conserving heat when the weather turns colder. They are able to do this by shutting off blood flow to the skin and extremities to maintain their core temperature at 37 degrees. A drop below 35 degrees can cause hypothermia. As most of our biological temperature sensors are located in the skin, we feel cold if our extremities are cold, however warm our internal organs may be. Associate Professor Nigel Taylor, at the University of Wollongong's School of Health Sciences, is an expert on human temperature regulation and has studied the differences between men and women's reactions to the cold. "The main difference is the way we lay down subcutaneous fat [the layer of fat below the skin]," Associate Professor Taylor says. "An average woman will have a more even distribution of fat just below the skin surface, whereas this is thinner for guys. "This is partly because an average woman might have 20 to 25 per cent body fat, whereas an average guy might have about 15 per cent. When we get cold, we conserve heat by reducing the blood flow to the skin. "When a woman reduces the blood flow to the skin, the temperature of the skin drops as the blood has been moved below her layer of fat. "A man will tend not to experience such a big change as a female, because he doesn't have the same distribution of fat. This is why skin temperature is, on average, cooler for a woman than a man."In my case, I am always cold. Maybe if I am active all the time.. playing music or being a dj (with musicians friend dj controller) I won't feel the cold as much. That's another story though.