Saturday, 19 November 2011


When we get to a certain age, the magnifying mirror becomes the beauty tool we love to loathe. It saves us from smudging our eyeliner, but it also amplifies some facial details that perhaps we’d rather not scrutinise up close. Like the skin on our nose. It changes over time. The pores get bigger, the texture more rough and inflamed. And have you got those tiny broken capillaries around your nose? Yeah, me too. I’ve had my suspicions about what causes this (in a word: booze) but I wanted to get the experts’ take to find out what we can do about it.

Enlarged, visible pores may simply be the result of a build-up of sebum (or oil), which regular extractions by a facialist’s nimble fingers should resolve. But the main culprit behind the thickening and reddening of the skin, it turns out, is rosacea – a sensitised dermal condition that causes flushing all over the face. (Read up more about it in our rosacea fact sheet.)

“There is a subset of rosacea that seems to affect the nose and not much else,” says dermatologist Dr. Chris Kearney from Sydney Specialist Dermatology. “There’s something about that area that it likes to come to.”

Years of sun exposure can also change the nose skin’s appearance, of course. Add in the fact that around 15 per cent of the Australian population is affected by rosacea to some degree, and that hormonal changes also play a role and you’ve got an ageing trend. Which I’m now calling “nosacea.”

Now, hopefully I don't get this in the future. It was said that people with oily skin get this but if under control, they age slowly. So there, oily skin is not always that bad except if your hormones are on overdrive. So take a break and maybe join the roadside assistance club because there's still rainbow behind the storm of acnea and shiny face.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

The halloween has just passed. And there are more bigger holidays coming up. I want to get into the spirit but it is hard when you are not that kind of person. But we have so many things to celebrate and thankful for this year that when I get a breather, I'll surely get into it full blown.

I want to put a big tree this christmas - oh not just then but by the start of December so we can enjoy it more. I also want to get into my Christmas shopping early and avail some of those coupons which are already available when you click here. Certainly, there are so many things to get excited about and be busy.

This is from the body and
Glowing skin

We've all heard that vitamin C can keep the sniffles at bay. However, scientists have uncovered a new role vitamin C plays in protecting the skin. A natural part of the ageing process is a decrease in collagen and elastin fibres of the skin. Yet according to researchers at the University of Leicester, vitamin C, can not only "mop up" free radical damage (oxygen fragments that attack and damage collagen cells), but can help remove the DNA damage they form. Since the body cannot store vitamin C, we need to top up levels with our diet. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi fruit and vegetables such as capsicum, tomatoes, broccoli and sprouts.

Beat acne

It's often believed that eating greasy food or chocolate can cause the skin to breakout. Recent research, now suggests the root cause of acne could lie in the consumption of typically high-GI sugary foods. A study conducted at RMIT University in Victoria followed two groups of teenage boys for 12 weeks. One group ate low-GI, high protein foods, compared to the other, who ate a diet consisting of white bread, potatoes, and sugary drinks and snacks. The researchers found the sugar overload caused a rapid release in insulin, triggering the over production of skin cells, leading to acne. To keep breakouts at bay, keep blood sugar levels stable by eating a diet high in fresh fruit and vegetables, unprocessed grains, low-fat yoghurt, nuts and legumes.

Vitamin c rich foods do not only help boost our immune system, it also give glow to our skin. That plus healthy eyelash growth, will surely look one gorgeous or dashing. So, load up the shopping trolley of those citrus and high fibre good.



Life in a home with gluten-free diet, preventing Diabetes 2 and trying to be lactose-free. And a little bit fussy child. It sounds difficult and complicated but not really. It's been roughly ten years on - we have a lot of practice.

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