Saturday, 7 July 2012

I let the Tatapilla slept with us when he was baby for exactly the reason that they want to discourage it. My feelings was, I want to see and feel my child all the time. Although that his cot was in our room, I still want to see and feel him even when I was in bed. As a new mum, despite being a deep sleeper I was able to know how he was doing at night. It made me feel at ease knowing he is okay. We didn't bother with a baby monitor or some sort of techies like headamp 6 pro. I was hands-on and very literally. I suppose, to each her own. And I have always believed, it boils down to what type of person you are that will suit you.
PARENTS who share a bed with their baby are putting their child's life in danger, with calls for an urgent review into the "inherently dangerous" practice. In an unprecedented and blunt warning to parents, Coroner John Olle yesterday said sleeping with babies was a potential death trap - yet parents every day put their child's life at risk through lack of awareness. From 2008 to 2010, suffocation from sleeping with an adult was the cause of more than half of all sudden infant deaths in NSW. In the Victorian Coroner's Court, Mr Olle investigated four cases of babies who died of SIDS - each of them having shared a bed with a parent just before or at the time of their death. "I am satisfied sharing a sleep surface with an infant is an inherently dangerous activity," Mr Olle said. "Caregiver/infant sharing of ... beds, sofas, mattresses and armchairs, increases the risk of infant death from a fatal sleep accident and may increase the risk of infant death from SIDS."



Life in a home with gluten-free diet, preventing Diabetes 2 and trying to be lactose-free. And a little bit fussy child. It sounds difficult and complicated but not really. It's been roughly ten years on - we have a lot of practice.

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