I am not happy or should I say the entire family isn't happy because we've been visited by illnesses. Mcj had cold and flu and developed into something severe that he had to postpone his dental appointment for the next three weeks. The appointment that he'd been waiting for almost two months. And the reason why we didn't push through our plan to go to the Philippines last month. Then, Jens had a temperature running up to almost 39 degrees celcius for almost three days and when it was over, some rashes appeared on some parts of his body. Now, I am worried that it is measles. If only our human body are like furnitures that we can just put patio furniture covers over us during winter and not much damage that should be done. But it's not.
Here are some facts about colds:
Can you prevent colds?
The time when people with colds are most likely to pass them on to someone else is in the first 2 to 4 days after the cold starts, especially when the person is sneezing, coughing or has a very runny nose.
Colds are spread by little drops in the air from coughing or sneezing, or by touching the nose or mouth of someone with a cold and then touching your own nose or mouth, or after touching something the person has coughed or sneezed onto (such as a tissue).
Since colds are everywhere it is almost impossible to stop children from getting colds, but there are some things which may help.
Try not to let people with colds come close to, or hold, babies.
Wash your own and children's hands, especially after coughing, sneezing or blowing noses and before eating.
Teach children to cover their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing. They need to wash their hands straight afterwards.
Use tissues once and then throw them in the bin, instead using of handkerchiefs.
If anyone has a cold, they should try not to pass it on. They should stay home from childcare, school or work whenever possible.
There are no immunisations against colds, because of all of the different viruses that cause them, and there are not likely to be immunisations in the near future.
Eating healthy food seems to help, but even very healthy people can get colds.
There is no proof that extra vitamin C helps prevent colds, but many people use vitamin C. It seems that it may shorten the time a cold lasts by a small amount. It does not do any harm unless you take very large doses.
Recent research is showing that taking extra zinc can shorten the time some people are unwell and make the symptoms less severe. Talk with your doctor or pharmacist (chemist) to find out the best type of zinc preparation if you want to try this.
If a person has been near another person who has a cold, taking Echinacea might prevent a cold developing. It also might be useful in the very early stages of a cold, making recovery quicker. Make sure the preparation you use is suitable for children, and that it does not have any aspirin in it.
The air passages and lungs of babies and children are smaller, more delicate and sensitive to the effects of the chemicals in the tobacco smoke if they are around people who smoke. Tobacco smoke irritates eyes, nasal passages and children can catch more colds and other respiratory illnesses.
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