Sunday, 5 December 2010

FAST-FOOD outlets are sending direct mail to children under the age of 12 as part of sophisticated online marketing campaigns to pre-teens that include special offers, free food vouchers and competitions.

Campaigns by fast-food outlets Hungry Jacks and Taco Bill Mexican Restaurants have been highlighted in a submission to a Senate inquiry on privacy laws made by a coalition of some of the country's peak health bodies.

The Obesity Policy Coalition, which includes the World Health Organisation, Diabetes Australia, VicHealth and Cancer Council of Victoria, has called on the Federal Government to amend the Privacy Act to outlaw direct mail advertising to children.

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I reckon even with all the flyers, it's all up to the parents to feed those type of food. Kids are intelligent. They ate what their stomach can accommodate, not more. Not like adults who accummulate Cubic Zirconia more than what their fingers can accommodate.



Life in a home with gluten-free diet, preventing Diabetes 2 and trying to be lactose-free. And a little bit fussy child. It sounds difficult and complicated but not really. It's been roughly ten years on - we have a lot of practice.

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