THE secret of supermodel Cindy Crawford's ageless allure may be out as British scientists have discovered that people with lots of moles are genetically protected from many of the ravages of time.
New research suggests they may not only develop fewer wrinkles in old age, but also have stronger bones and tauter muscles.
Moles or beauty spots - for which Crawford is famous - are formed by rapidly dividing cells that start producing dots of dark pigment on children as young as four, but which usually vanish from about the age of 40.
In some people, however, they continue to spread as they grow older, producing a smooth and wrinkle-free complexion that can make a woman look at least seven years younger than her real age.
Read more: http://www.news.com.au/world/people-with-moles-less-prone-to-ageing/story-e6frfkyi-1225957960817#ixzz15y29xyQE
I'm thinking of freckles - don't they look almost the same with moles? If this is indeed the case, people who has more than 200 moles in their body would indulge in
Branson Missouri vacation packages as many times during summer and not worry about getting aged by the sun. I'm really thinking now that because of this discovery, people will find a way to invent stuff that will emulate moles in the body. How lucrative a business would that be?