IF you want to reduce your household costs and greenhouse gas emissions, the key is retrofitting.
But what does this mean and how does it help?
Derek Wrigley, the author of Making Your Home Sustainable, explains:
A: It is a way of modifying an existing house to take advantage of the abundant natural energy which is all around us but insufficiently recognised by homeowners and, unfortunately, most builders.
A retrofitted house can produce very significant and worthwhile savings in annual running costs.
Read more: http://www.news.com.au/money/cost-of-living/cut-emissions-with-home-retrofitting/story-fnagkbpv-1226266804382#ixzz1m7L1apxP
I know that retrofitting a house costs money but in the long, the saving will offset the cost. While writing this, I am making an inventory of the energy/water saving equipment we have at home. We have dual flush cistern. Our water heating system is the modern energy saving one despite it not being solar powered. Also, we have low-flow shower heads or shall I say, adjustable shower heads.
There are many ways on how to fit the house to save energy. Personally, one can live green - one which is to buy things that last like aluminum briefcase, quality clothes, etc.
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