In my early stage of pregnancy there was these days that I took almost 10 pills a day. I don't have phobia with medications nor the kind that can't take capsules or humongous tablets but the thought that I only have little, if not vague ideas on how these pills affect my system scared me. Those pills were not just prescribed by one person so there was this possibility that my body will react adversely when the medications took effect
And when I thought, I am in a limited-medication-intake-phase, in last night's antenatal class, the midwife mentioned the help of taking raspberry tea leaf in slow labor as it enables uterine contraction. I gather that it is of great help especially if the baby is overdue. The downside is you'll just have more braxton hicks while you're taking the tea or capsule.
I only heard of raspberry juice in detox diet so I did my own research and found out more useful and encouraging information about the raspberry tea.
The help of raspberry leaf tea goes way back thousand of years ago in the western countries. It was taken by women to support healthy menstruation, tone and strengthen the uterus and prepare the womb for childbirth. The tonic and relaxing action of the leaves reduces the pain of uterine contractions and makes them more effective and productive, thereby easing and shortening the duration of childbirth. These are only some of the benefits during pregnancy not to mention the aid it brings to breastfeeding mothers. It promotes plentiful supply of breastmilk.
Learning all that, I am now thinking and weighing things if I will have raspberry leaf tea/capsule or not. Nuninuninu!
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