When it is cold, sipping a hot coffee or tea or chocolate is heavenly. I thought, I don't want to drink coffee anymore but when the temperature dropped, I started drinking coffee again. It makes me feel warmer even for just a few minutes.
Well, I also made soup one day. Chicken and vegetable soup. The photo doesn't look yummy - because I took it in my half eaten bowl, but it sure tasted yummy.
Ingredients: Chicken, celery, carrot, choco, green peas, seasoning.

Cooking it was very straightforward. Boil the chicken and when it was soft take it off the broth and flake it when it is cool. Put the broth back to the stove, add the veggies and seasoning and the chicken and cook until soft. It is nice though when the green peas are well cooked, thickening the soup. I guess that's the secret of some yummy soup.
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