Drinking tea has been a habit for some country. Here in down under for example, people drink tea in the morning, afternoon and night. It’s a beverage. Snack is called tea – morning tea, afternoon tea, tea. Cakes have tea in their name – apple tea cake, carrot tea cake, toffee and caramel tea cake, etc.
I haven’t embraced this tea drinking habit yet. I do drink coffee in moderation.
Some drink tea for weight loss reason. Some because of the antioxidants.
Here are some facts from lifestylechannel.com.au.
Tea and Health
The therapeutic benefits of tea have long been recognised. The Ancient Greeks used tea to treat colds and asthma, while the Chinese have been drinking tea to aid digestion, increase alertness and improve physical and mental performance for thousands of years.
More recently, published scientific research has confirmed that both black and green teas have health promoting properties. Tea is rich in flavonoids, substances with powerful antioxidant properties. The antioxidants are similar to those found in fruit, vegetables and red wine. These appear to help the body fight harmful 'free radicals' which can advance ageing, work against the immune system and play a major role in the development of chronic and degenerative diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
Studies have shown that flavonoids in tea can reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels and may halve the risk of heart attack by reducing blood clotting and cholesterol. People who drink one or more cups of tea a day have half the risk of heart attack in people who don't drink it, according to a recent study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology and The Lancet.
Tea consumption may also have beneficial effects in reducing cancer risk. One study published in the International Journal of Cancer, indicated that men who drink between 2-3 cups of black tea per day reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer by up to 30% compared to non-tea drinkers.
Drinking tea may have a role to play in dental health. A 1991 British study suggested that tea drinking could provide some children with enough fluoride to prevent tooth decay. The study also suggested that drinking tea decreases plaque, the scale caused by mouth bacteria that leads to gum disease.
Black tea may protect against the development of skin cancers caused by overexposure to ultraviolet radiation according to research with mice at the CSIRO in Adelaide. The latest research with mice found those given tea (with milk) experienced a reduction in the development of skin cancer of 50 percent and a reduction in the development of papillomas of 70 per cent.
It is not only the flavonoid content of tea that makes it good for us. Tea is also an excellent source of important nutrients such as manganese (essential for bone growth), potassium (vital for maintaining fluid levels in the body) and zinc (essential for growth and development). Research also suggests that drinking tea produces mild antibiotic actions in the gut, which offer protection against harmful bacteria and possibly cancer of the colon.
So sit back and relax in your modern furniture and have a cuppa. :)
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