Thursday, 23 October 2008

I'm munching on boiled peanuts now. Humm, sounds a healthy choice for a snack, right? (I won't be needing an orovo diet pill). Not really. I eat them with cola. I just had a piece of pizza subs. It's almost lunch here.

Anyway, I have a small trivia about peanuts. They are not actually nuts as nuts grow on trees. They are legumes belonging to the pea and beans family. Interesting, right? I reckon, they are root crops like potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, etc.. as they grow from roots. What do you think?

Also, here are some health benefits of peanuts from

Whole peanuts contains high amount of protein, which makes it a preferred diet of those people engaged in body-building and those people who are weak and underweight. The raw peanut butter with crushed skin contains much higher amounts of nutrient than refined "nut-only" butter.
Peanut is a good source of Coenzyme Q10 which protects the heart during the period of lack of oxygen example high altitudes and clogged arteries.
Peanuts contain high concentrations of antioxidant polyphenols, primarily a compound called p-coumaric acid. Roasting peanuts increases its p-coumaric acid levels, boosting it overall antioxidant content by as much as 22%. Roasted peanuts rival the antioxidant content of blackberries and strawberries, and are far richer in antioxidants than apples, carrots or beets.
Unsalted peanuts are good for your arteries. One quarter cup of peanuts contains as much monunsaturated fat as a tablespoon of olive oil. Monounsaturated fats have been shown to lower blood cholesterol.
Peanuts' high niacin content helps in the recovery of cell damage provides protection against Alzheimer's disease and age-related cognitive problem.
Peanut contain vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that is shown to significantly reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Peanut contain iron which is essential for the correct functioning of red blood cells.
Peanut is rich in calcium which helps promotes healthy bones.
Peanut has higher bioflavonoid resveratrol content than grapes. This bioflavonoid is believed to improve blood flow in the brain by as much as 30%, thus greatly reducing the risk of stroke. Study showed that by adding even small amounts of peanut products to the diet can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol by 14%.
Peanuts' fiber content helps lower the risk of colon cancer, an ounce of peanuts contains 2 grams of fiber.
Peanut helps to accelerate the growth of male and female hormones.



Life in a home with gluten-free diet, preventing Diabetes 2 and trying to be lactose-free. And a little bit fussy child. It sounds difficult and complicated but not really. It's been roughly ten years on - we have a lot of practice.

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