Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Stumbled upon these in the net while I was reading some medical stuff. From cyh.com, this is very interesting and informative.
As your children grow

Your time and energy is your most precious resource. Spending time with your children is a sure sign to them that they are truly valued - and it will help them to behave better!

Say sorry when you lose your temper or treat them unfairly.

See yourself as a teacher - teaching them about relationships and about living in society with other people. These things take a long time to learn so be prepared to repeat lessons calmly.

Encourage your children to share in tasks around the home (in keeping with their age and ability).

Tell them when they do helpful things - that's how they know to keep doing them. Children need to feel that they are needed.

Set reasonable limits and stick to them.

Do unexpected small things to make them feel special. For example, a note on their pillow to say "I love you", or a treat in their school lunch box.

Take time to listen to what's happening in their lives - know the names of their friends, teachers, heroes and what their favourite books, videos or TV programs are about.

These are very common advise but I admit sometimes, I need reminding.

Whew, I'm being emotional here, I know. It's just me.

Better be going so I can finish my work and wrap some gifts. It occured to me that personalized books is a nice gift idea.



Life in a home with gluten-free diet, preventing Diabetes 2 and trying to be lactose-free. And a little bit fussy child. It sounds difficult and complicated but not really. It's been roughly ten years on - we have a lot of practice.

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