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Are you familiar with Graviola Fruit? How about guyabano? Or babana? They all are the names of one fruit.
According to a study in the US, Graviola fruit can fight cancer 10,000 times more effective than chemo. The patient won’t experience nausea, weight loss and hair loss. It is possible for this fruit to protect and boost the immune system and avoid complications and infections. And since it is natural, there is no possibility of side effects.
The tree is known to grow in the rain forest of Amazon. It can also grow in the backyard. We have that in the Philippines. It is one of my favourite fruit – depending on the quality of the fruit – it always taste good, that is if you like sweet and sour but it is more on the sweet. I can it eat on its own or with rice. Yeah, sort of an appetiser.
The information I received doesn’t say everything is definite or that there is certainty. But if you have cancer or you care for somebody who got that fatal illness, wouldn’t you try all the alternatives and options? I would. And I can see no harm in this, unless you go to the Amazon and find the plant yourself (haha) – it is a remedy and food in its simplest and natural form.
It was said that because firms have already spent millions of dollars or more to study and eventually come up Chemo as a possible cure for cancer, scientists employed by these company can’t divulge that Graviola is the possible cure stronger than chemo because of the financial implications to the shareholders. They have been emulating the substance of nutrients found in Graviola fruit so they can patent it, but they can’t. Just proves to show that there is no evolution (this is another story) as nobody can even copy nature let alone create something that is not already here on earth. Anyway, those firms who financed the study can’t patent Graviola. Hello! Hence, this fact has been buried – well, until one scientist can not contain his conscience.
I know gone were the days when cancer can't be cured. Now a days, when it has been detected early, it is easy to treat - much like treating acne with bruunhause. But when it is in the critical stage or point of no remedy, anything that can help is good. I just hope, this natural medicine is a miracle to this deadly illness.
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