Saturday, 24 October 2009

Even life for us is busy especially at night when the Little Boy is whiny and grumpy, I make sure that he brushed his peggies. Good oral hygiene was not really inculcate my mind when I was growing up (I don't blame my parents for that) but now, I realised how important it is.

According to Colgate, good oral hygiene means:
Your teeth are clean and free of debris
Gums are pink and do not hurt or bleed when you brush or floss
Bad breath is not a constant problem.

And to maintain good oral health:
Brushing thoroughly twice a day and flossing daily
Eating a balanced diet and limiting snacks between meals
Using dental products that contain fluoride, including toothpaste
Rinsing with a fluoride mouthrinse if your dentist tells you to
Making sure that your children under 12 drink fluoridated water or take a fluoride supplement if they live in a non-fluoridated area.

Though, I missed out a lot when I was growing up, I'm trying to make up for it. I have two dental appointments coming up. If only I could get dental care discounts, I would visit the dentist more often that I used to.




Life in a home with gluten-free diet, preventing Diabetes 2 and trying to be lactose-free. And a little bit fussy child. It sounds difficult and complicated but not really. It's been roughly ten years on - we have a lot of practice.

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