Summer means abundance of stone fruit - one of them is lychee. My little boy is really keen on them. We buy them every week. He eats them like meat. They're sweet that's why.
But I wonder what's in lychee?
Scientists and nutritionists acknowledged the fruit as a healthy food, with high levels of vitamin C and flavanoids rich in antioxident properties, though not until recent medical studies was the full potential of lychee recognized by the medical community.
A study done at Zhejiang Gongshang University in Hangzhou, China revealed some of the curative effects of lychee. The flavonoids found in lychee fruit pulp were found to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells and appeared to be especially effective against human breast cancer.
There aren't many sources in the internet for the lychee nutritional benefits (unlike motorhome towing) but reading that Chinese recognise it, makes me happy as we all know that Chinese lead healthy lifestyles.
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