Saturday, 29 May 2010

In the news recently...
It's all because foreign produce is making its way to factories in New Zealand where it is processed, re-packaged and exported carrying the 'Made in New Zealand' label.

The fruit, vegetables, meat and fish is then given a green light into Australia as part of the New Zealand-Australia free trade agreement.

Chinese products are the main offenders and they're awarded free passage into New Zealand courtesy of a free trade agreement between the two countries.

It's an agreement Australia doesn't adhere to - Chinese goods must pass rigorous checks by Australian customs.

Tests have revealed many Chinese products contain dangerous pesticides, banned cancer causing chemicals, lead and bacteria from Chinese farmers using human and animal faeces as fertilisers.

Recent random testing of foreign produce in New Zealand uncovered shocking results. New Zealand Greens MP Sue Kegdely says Australians should be worried.

"Vietnamese catfish contained a substance, gentian violet, which has been linked with cancer. I think they [the tests] raise questions about the safety of imported produce," Sue said.

After seeing this news, I realised that until I read the fine labels, I wouldn't know if I'm eating toxic or not. I suppose not because we're all still alive and healthy. But, this news is really an opener for everyone to be vigilant and aware of the food that they are buying especially the fresh produce. I think, the best thing to do is just don't buy if the fruit or veggies really look old and have seen better days. There's no gold coins assurance that we're buying product these days and it is always up to us consumers to be mindful.



Life in a home with gluten-free diet, preventing Diabetes 2 and trying to be lactose-free. And a little bit fussy child. It sounds difficult and complicated but not really. It's been roughly ten years on - we have a lot of practice.

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