Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Spring had just started and I’m loving it. What’s not to love about spring? Nothing I reckon.


I haven’t seen massive flowers around our place yet. No rain as predicted at the end of winter. But it’s definitely warmer now. I’ve started shedding off layers of clothes this week. I might pack my winter gears soon and get back to my normal clothes. Plus, it’s a great time to enjoy a cuppa in the outdoor coffee tables.

My little one would absolutely love and enjoy this weather. The days are longer now, which means more time to play in the backyard. We might be able to explore new games. When it’s sunny, our hill’s hoist (clothes line) is in a strategic location for direct sunlight even if around 2PM – most of the time, just around when I’m finished doing the laundry. And on winter, the early afternoon sun was shielded by the big trees in our backyard.

This brings to mind to do some spring cleaning. Here are some tips from

Cleaning your house can be an easy task if you just take a few steps to do it right the first time.

Making a house cleaning schedule is always a plus, but few follow through.

Therefore, if you do not have a specific schedule, try making a list of which rooms you want to clean today. Then enhance that list by stating specifically WHAT you want to do in that room.

Example of Cleaning Bedroom:
Strip bed and start bedding in wash
Gather cleaning supplies (dust clothes, dusting solution, window cleaning solution, paper towels, vacuum)
Dust ceiling fan first (if you have one) Dust over door tops and window ledges
Empty bed side table, dust lamp, alarm clock & picture frame
Dust bed table
Put items back on table
Repeat process of other bed table
Repeat process on dresser Dust television and stand
Put clean bed sheets on the bed.
Make bed.
Room finished!
Making a detailed list such as this gives you a very specific guide on what needs to be done and the order to do it.

Make a list such as this for each room in your house and before you know it, each room is done that you plan to complete today. Now you can be off and on the run doing whatever else you would like to do in your free time.

A little bit of pre-planning ahead of time, can save you lots of time, reduce your stress, and leaves it very easy to get back to a specific point if you get interrupted in the process.

House cleaning is something we all have to do. However, even though we want our homes to be environmentally healthy to our families, pets and friends, we do not want to spend our lives making it so. A quick clean up on a regular basis, makes the big “spring cleaning” or “summer cleaning” not such a big job.



Life in a home with gluten-free diet, preventing Diabetes 2 and trying to be lactose-free. And a little bit fussy child. It sounds difficult and complicated but not really. It's been roughly ten years on - we have a lot of practice.

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